Friday, October 5, 2007

Getting Busier

Well the site is getting more active and I'm getting busier, YAY! I had to make myself a schedule now for when I process rewards, forum post, etc. So I will be processing reward redemptions twice a week and send out on Saturdays unless it is virtual gift cards then I will email them when I process them. And forum post rewards I will do weekly, so don't panic if you don't get credit right away. Of course if I do miss a post please contact me :) So I think this schedule will help me be a little more organized :)

Also I have been working on expanding beyond the US, I'm hoping to have that up and running by next month.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

GPT Tracker and other news

So far things are going great on the site! The members are awesome and I love talking to all of you :) I'm still going through several advertisers to see who I am going to stick with, some things just aren't crediting and when I see a lot of members doing an offer that's not crediting I've been pulling it. I don't think theres any sense to keep it up and waste peoples time.

This next week I plan on putting up a ton of % back shopping stores. I want to get this up before the holidays - which seem far but they will be here before we know it. I have some great stores too, I can't wait to share them with you.

Also I'm sure some of you know I added the GPT Tracker for you. This is at no cost to the members, I think it's a great tool for those of you who use more than one site. It will really cut down on doing duplicate offers :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm so excited, I contacted my hosting site last week about upgrading my site and it should be done soon! I finally got all my ideas together and told them what I wanted. I couldn't decide on a few things so I had to get some other opinions before I made a final decision, lol. I can't wait for everyone to see it. So that means new refferal banner are coming - And I want to thank all of you who ordered the older version.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Reimburising for trial offers

I know some people are hesitant to do the trials and put their money up for something. Because of this I decided to reimburse those who do the trials and don't get credit to reimburse them what they put out. I'm hoping this will give the members more confidence in trying this great offers.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Starting today I'm going to put up the "offer of the day" which will be more lilypads! I woke up this morning and we are up to 50 members! Good job guys, keep telling your friends!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Getting off to a great start with things, I'm up to 38 members. I'm hoping memebership will really pick up starting on the 15th - thats when my refferal contest starts along with an earnings contest. I've also decided to have an offer of the day where it'll be worth more lily pads. Then this weekend I'll be working on my prizes - I have a few things up there but a ton more I want to do. I have been approved by a few more affililates; that means more offers for us! So each day I am learning something and I hope each member is happy so far!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I think I am good now.....

OK I added some offers, still waiting on approval from a lot of affiliates. But my % back for shopping I have over 2000! I couldn't believe it. I have to go through each of them to see what would be good. So everyday I will be adding more and more! This will be fun during the holidays - some good deals on there.

I know theres a lot of talk about the GPT industry and how its not what it used to be, but I think if we all work together we can have a great site and continue to have a great relationship with the advertisers. Now I have to get out there and get people to sign up!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Almost there...

I know there are a lot of GPT sites out there. I want mine to be a little different focusing on consumer satisfaction and focus on rebate shopping. There are a ton of online stores that offer a % back to you when you buy from there site. I think there are some pretty good deals out there. So I'm hoping this site will do good. I am committed to checking my email and site several times a day. I stay at home with my little ones so it will be easy to get in touch with me when you need to.

So right now I am in the process of applying to all the advertisers, so no offers up yet on that point. The % shopping is up and running, I'm added a lot of sites to that today. Some of the sites are pretty cool, I can't wait to shop from them, lol. Well time to get back to work :)

Monday, June 25, 2007


A new GPT website......Hope to be up and running by August 1st!